Re: Mutation events

Olli Pettay <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I tested mutation events a bit.
>                              | Gecko trunk | WebKit trunk | Opera 10a
> DOMAttrModified             |      X      |      -       |     X
> DOMCharacterDataModified    |      X      |      X       |     X
> DOMNodeInserted             |      X      |      X       |     X
> DOMNodeInsertedIntoDocument |      -      |      X       |     X
> DOMNodeRemoved              |      X      |      X       |     X
> DOMNodeRemovedFromDocument  |      -      |      X       |     X
> DOMSubtreeModified          |      X      |      X       |     -
> Whenever mutation listeners are used, the relevant DOM operations slow
> down a lot in all browser engines. The slow down is up to 10-20x.

My implementation also does all of the events except SubtreeModified.  The
slowdown factor will depend on what mutations you are actually doing.  I
don't expect our implementation to slow down at all unless you are actually
listening for the events.

Stewart Brodie
Software Engineer
ANT Software Limited

Received on Wednesday, 11 March 2009 14:27:11 UTC