Unable to get element of frames through VBScript

Hi All,


Through VBScript I am trying to automate one of the process.  I am using
IE 6+ as internet browser.


Following code I have used.


'**************** Code Start from here

Dim ie

Set objIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")


objIE.Visible = True

objIE.Navigate2 url



objIE.Document.All("username").Value = UserName

objIE.Document.All("password").Value = Password


' Find a link to http://motevich.blogspot.com

Set objLink = GetLinkByHref(objIE, "javascript:submitForm();")


' If found, then click it

If (False = IsNull(objLink)) Then



End If


tagName = "IFRAME"

Set coll = objIE.Document.All.tags(tagName)

If coll.length > 0 Then

            For i = 0 To coll.length

                        If coll(i).getAttribute("name") =
"ContentIframe" Then

                                    coll(i).allowTransparency = True

                                    coll(i).style.backgroundColor =


                        End If


End If


' Gets Link by 'href' attribute.

' Note: If your need, you can write another function - GetLinkByText

Private Function GetLinkByHref(ie, href)

            Dim Link


            For Each Link In ie.Document.Links

                        If Instr(LCase(Link.href), LCase(href)) > 0 Then

                                    Set GetLinkByHref = Link

                                    Exit Function

                        End If



            Set GetLinkByHref = Nothing

End Function


''******************* Code End here **********************************

For statement MsgBox
objIE.document.All("ContentIframe").Document.body.innerHTML  VBScript
displays "Access Denied" error.  Following are my question:


1] Is possible to get frame element through VBScript If yes then please
let me know correct way.  Here I am explicitly setting
"allowTransparency" property to true and "style.backgroundColor"
property to "transparent".  Is it correct way of doing it?


It would great if somebody helps me. 







Sr. QA Engineer 




Received on Wednesday, 8 October 2008 13:13:17 UTC