Re: has Xerees implemented Document Object Model Level2 Html API?

The proper place to ask would be the xerces-j-user mailing list 

I haven't kept track with it in the last year, so there is a (small) 
chance that the following statements are no longer accurate.  Xerces-J 
had integrated an HTML DOM implementation on top of the Xerces-J XML 
parser.  However, the original effort either predated or ignored XHTML 
and can only be used with a non-standard XML representation of HTML and 
cannot read either XHTML or HTML.  Support for the HTML interfaces 
required using HTML-specific implementation or builder classes 
(org.apache.html.dom.HTMLDOMImplementationImpl or 

In my opinion (at least the last time I checked), there is vanishingly 
small utility to the implementation.

On Apr 19, 2005, at 8:25 PM, ghy wrote:

>       I test the Xerces using codes below:
>  DOMImplementationImpl domi = new 
> org.apache.xerces.dom.DOMImplementationImpl();
> System.out.println("support html 2.0? :" +domi.hasFeature("html", 
> "2.0"));
> and the output is "support html 2.0 ?: false"
> does anyone know why,because the package org.apache.html.dom in Xerces 
> implements all the APIs in the  Document Object Model Level2 Html 
> specification
>         致
> 礼!
>         ghy
>           2005-04-20

Received on Wednesday, 20 April 2005 21:47:51 UTC