On Mon, 4 Apr 2005, SALMAN MAZHAR wrote:

> Hello,
> I am trying to parse a simple XML document with DOM in an HTML file using 
> javascript. My HTML code looks like this:
> <HTML>
> <HEAD>
> <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
>  <!---Hide from non-JavaScript Browsers
>   var xmlDoc = new ActiveXObject ("Microsoft.XMLDOM");

This approach would seem to be specific to Microsoft browsers.  I have no
Microsoft browsers, nor do I spend significant portions of time debugging
them.  I believe the IE browser has settings which cause errors to be
reported (if you were trying it on a browser like Mozilla, you would have
a Javascript console and if you are advanced, advanced Javascript debugging
facilities at your disposal).  Without some sort of development aid, I think
you are flying quite blind because I would expect errors to have occurred if 
the write's are not occurring.

I believe that you might be better served in a Microsoft mailing list where
the users may be more familiar with any non-standard aspects of the Active X
Microsoft pieces, particular versions of IE, and whatever development aids 
might be available there to assist you.  The discussion in this w3c list would 
seem to best address how to do it according to the W3C DOM specification 
(usually assuming you have read the specification and require clarification).

There are mailing lists as well and pages which also deal with testing a particular
browser for basic implementation.  If Microsoft is concerned about this,
they will have published the results of these basic tests with applicable 
versions of their browser (I do not recall the results of any Microsoft tests
for load and save, but it could just be my memory).

Sorry I cannot be of more help.

Ray Whitmer

Received on Monday, 4 April 2005 19:08:09 UTC