Re: write and UTF-16[BE|LE]

On Wed, 2004-02-04 at 17:26, wrote:
> Philippe Le Hegaret scripsit:
> > As indicated in
> > XML, entities encoded in UTF-16 MUST begin with the Byte Order Mark, so
> > I see no reason why the value of the XML declaration encoding should
> > contain "UTF-16BE" or "UTF-16LE", especially since this introduces some
> > interoperability troubles.
> That means that entities encoded in the encoding named "UTF-16" must begin
> with a BOM.  Entities in the encodings "UTF-16BE" and "UTF-16LE" must not
> begin with a BOM, but must have an appropriate encoding declaration.

Looking again at XML 1.0 3rd, it says that UTF-16 encoded entities MUST
being with a BOM. Unless I'm misinterpreting the meaning of "UTF-16
encoded entities", I would say that it does include UTF16-BE and
UTF16-LE as well.


Received on Wednesday, 4 February 2004 17:39:57 UTC