Re: Comments and questions on text node interface

Elliotte Rusty Harold wrote:

> It's not deprecation. XPath 1.0 is quite clear that entity references 
> must be expanded. Section 5.2 of the XPath spec states, "Entity 
> references to both internal and external entities are expanded. 
> Character references are resolved." Unexpanded entity references were 
> never allowed in XPath in the first place so they can't be deprecated 
> now.

In the case we are talking about, they are expanded in the DOM model, 
underneath the entity reference nodes.  This is the design.  Mechanisms 
such as finding a named node, tree walker, iterators, and so on work 
seamlessly when the cntent is expanded underneath the entity reference 
node.  If you want to deprecate that design, that is another story.  I 
would not even fight it any more, if people had the resolve to start 
deprecating things.

We have never insisted on xpath resolution across entity reference nodes 
that were not expanded underneath.  No one would expect that to work, 
any more than they expect to be able to traverse there using TreeWalker 
or other mechanisms.

Ray Whitmer

Received on Friday, 15 March 2002 20:19:53 UTC