RE: WD-DOM-Level-3-Core-20010126

> -----Original Message-----
> From: 
> []On Behalf Of
> Michael Krivoruchko
> Sent: Sunday, January 28, 2001 4:51 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: WD-DOM-Level-3-Core-20010126

>   > textContent
>   the attribute is one of possible rendering results. It will be
>   just impossible to please all applications even if the attribute
>   will be replaced by the method with a few arguments.
>   Should DOM provide an attribute/method which address very limited
>   amount of cases? 

Yes, because the objective is please many common applications, not all
applications.  The fact that the "value" property is undefined on Element
causes much confusion, and many DOM implementations provide some sort of
"Text node amelioration" convenience method to get the value.  The objective
here is simply to standardize common practice. 

Received on Monday, 29 January 2001 09:39:27 UTC