Maybe someone can tell us

Hi Joe.

For the C++ Xerces, it seems that everyone is told the same thing: Adapt 
the DOMPrint example that comes with it.  If there are any prewritten 
serializers out there, I guess no one on the Xerces mailing list knows 
where they are.

The most confusing part about tackling open-standards XML tools is the 
conglomeration of software that must be patched together to accomplish 
anything.  I want to use the tidiest facility possible for handling 
XML.  But to get anything done with Xerces, people are bringing in SAX, 
XPath, Xalan, and what have you.

 From reading the documentation, it's hard to know what's on its way out 
and what is going to be maintained and viable in the forseeable 
future.  It's also hard to keep track of the relationships between all of 
these products.  For my purposes, the DOM sounded comprehensive and 
self-contained (assuming a complete implementation).  But this is clearly 
not the case.

For now, I've addressed the problem by ditching the C++ version of Xerces 
and rewriting everything in Java.  At least there really is a serializer 
for that.


At 03:47 PM 6/13/01 -0400, you wrote:

> > why the DOM version 1 didn't specify a means of getting the actual XML
> >of the DOM document.
>It wasn't a top priority at the time, and since it can (and frequency has)
>been implemented on top of the DOM Level 1 APIs it wasn't a showstopper.
>It's being addressed now in DOM Level 3.
>Meanwhile, DOM serializers are commonly available off-the-shelf items,
>shipped with most DOMs and/or DOM parsers and avaiable as open-source
>freeware,  so the "onerous task" has probably already been done for you.
>Since you said you're using Xerces,  see the Apache serializer classes
>included with it, or the serialzers used in Xalan which support some
>additional features required by XSLT.
>Joe Kesselman  / IBM Research

Received on Thursday, 21 June 2001 13:01:42 UTC