Converting CSSStyleDeclaration values to other units

When using CSSStyleDeclaration.getPropertyValue() method you are returned the value as it is declared as a string.  This is a very powerful method (in conjunction with getComputedStyle) but I feel it needs expanded.

Has the W3C been looking into a way of requesting the style in specified units for those styles that take units.

I will give an example.  Lets say the style for the height of an element is 1.3em, but I want it in pixels or points.  I would like to see a method of retrieving the style in different units than those in the declaration.

Any ideas and/or comments on this?  Has this been discussed before?  Any chance that this may be included in the recomendation in the future?


Jeff Yates


Received on Wednesday, 18 April 2001 22:27:30 UTC