Re: style sheets

> 1. PIs related to style sheets can occur outside the root element. (As
> I was told before, PIs outside the root element would be addressed in
> DOM3.  I just want to warn that the binding of the DocumentStyle
> interface to the Document interface might be a hidden preliminary
> decision of this issue.)

Dieter, you seem to imply (here and in other posts) that a document

    <?xml-stylesheet ... ?>
    <!DOCYTPE root ... >
    <root> ... </root>

would be represented by something other than a Document node with three
children.  Why would that be?  The spec seems clear to me that there's
no representational issue there.  (Other than the inherent problems
with the DOM L2 model for construction and use of "DocumentType" nodes,
which I've described in other posts.)

That is, exactly what is it you think DOM L3 should solve, and that
current (L1, L2) DOM versions don't get right?

- Dave


Received on Monday, 20 March 2000 14:21:12 UTC