Why not Node.insertAfter()?

I'm working with Dom level 1, xmltr2 package from sun. The following is
a simple example
of what I am doing but using the insertBefore() method.

<!ELEMENT person (phone*, computer*)>
<!ELEMENT phone (#PCDATA)>
<!ELEMENT computer (#PCDATA)>

I'm creating a class that allows the client to add phones and computers
to this
hypothetical person document. I want to add new phones and computers
as new Nodes after the last one in the group. If I keep a reference to
last one in the group (phones or computers) then it seems that it would
be easiest and most context
free to do the following.

class Person {
    Document document;
    Element lastPhone;
    Element lastComputer;

void addPhone(String number) {
     // assume last phone not null
    Node parent = lastPhone.getParentNode();
    Element element = document.createElement("phone");
     parent.insertAfter(element, lastPhone);
    lastPhone = element;

What I end up doing is remembering what the firstNode of computer is and
an insertBefore. This seems kind of wierd that I need to know the next
element and do an insertBefore.

Am I missing something?
Does DOM 2 change this?

Eric :-)

Received on Wednesday, 8 March 2000 11:29:23 UTC