Re: DOM level 2 StyleSheets : What means "binding-specific casting methods

> >I don't understand this sentence.
> >" binding-specific casting methods ".
> This means that the mechanism for accessing (for example) an
HTMLLinkElement as
> a LinkStyle object will very from one programming language to another,
and that
> the "binding" -- the language-specific version of the DOM API -- defines
> mechanism.
> In the Java bindings you would use the Java typecast operation.
>      LinkStyle linkStyleView=(LinkStyle)myHTMLLinkElement;
> But not all languages support that concept. Those which don't will have
> define workarounds as part of their bindings; one approach would be:
>      LinkStyle linkStyleView=myHTMLLinkElement.getLinkStyleView()
> Each language binding is responsible for evaluating the available
> and selecting the most appropriate solution.

I'm still a little confused about the actual implementation of this.  For
example should the Java interface for 
LinkStyle be:

public interface LinkStyle extends ProcessingInstruction
    public StyleSheet getSheet();

rather than just:

public interface LinkStyle
    public StyleSheet getSheet();


Blaine Brodie

Received on Friday, 25 February 2000 09:48:24 UTC