Re: New DOM Level 2 Working Draft

L. David Baron wrote:
> --------
> CSSStyleDeclaration::cssText shouldn't have "{" and "}" since it is used for
> HTMLElement::style.  Thus "including" should be changed to "excluding" in
> [1].

  For the moment, the HTML and the CSS specification don't have any statement
about the correct syntax of style attributes.
  This issue should be discussed by the CSS WG :

> There are messy issues with the border-color property.  See

  The border-color gets his value from the color property when the border
property doesn't contain a color, but the value of the color is the
_specified_ value of the color property and not the value in the style sheet.
Since we don't compute the inheritance in the CSS OM (except for the computed
style delcaration), the border color should be empty.

> I think the following statement in [2] is unnecessary because the special
> system font shorthand values *can* be decomposed (and must, since some of the
> equivalent longhand properties can be changed, leaving others intact).

  Unfortunately, this is not true, see the font shorthand property definition
in CSS2 :

[ [ <'font-style'> || <'font-variant'> || <'font-weight'> ]? <'font-size'> 
 [ / <'line-height'> ]? <'font-family'> ] 
 | caption | icon | menu | message-box | small-caption | status-bar | inherit 

  caption, icon, menu, message-box, small-caption and status-bar are not
supported by the longhand properties.


Received on Saturday, 25 September 1999 05:19:24 UTC