Re: frame DOM ?

At 05:46 PM 8/15/99 -0400, Luke McFadden wrote:
>I have 2 frames.  One is called "side" the other is called "main".  What
>i have is this:  In main.  There is a form text box.  And in side there
>are links.  I want it to put text into the text box in "main" when i
>mouseover the links in "side"
>I normally do it like this when it is single frame.
>But i want it to go in the other frame.  How would i do this?
>Thanks for your time

This isn't a DOM question.  You have a DOM document in one frame.
You have a DOM document in the other.  How you communicate some
information from the one to the other is an environment issue, in
this case, the environment of a browser supporting the concept
of frames.

You need to study up on the frames array (frames[].document).
Check any JavaScript book.

Good luck,

Michael Leventhal

Michael Leventhal           
Architecture/Development              +358 6 324 0738
CiTEC Information Technology          +358 50 537 6091 (GSM)

Received on Monday, 16 August 1999 04:34:19 UTC