Request for Comments: DOM Interface header for C available

I have made a C header file for the W3C DOM interface:

I would like to get comments from interested XML-DEVers before
I finalize it.

It is just a C struct with slots for all the function calls. It should
multiple implementations of DOM to be available to the same program.
(It is accepted by Sun's cc & lint, GCC -pedantic, GCC -Wall,
GCC -wstrict, GCC -Wtraditional, & GCC -ansi.)

I think it makes DOM's relation to C fairly clear. There are several
loose ends:
* should error-handling be less implementation-dependent?
* how to handle namespaces?
* xml:lang, xml:space & xmlns:* are inherited attributes that
   probably would be better handled using a searching call, e.g.
   DOM_get_currently_applicable_attribute_value(Attr *name)

Rick Jelliffe
(as private individual )

Received on Monday, 31 May 1999 08:26:33 UTC