Re: Some more suggestions and a DOM OM

At 05:50 PM 5/3/98 -0400, Jeff wrote:
>>validate() seem like an implementation specific issue that should not be in
>>the interface specification IMO.
>That may be true, although most implementations will need a validation hook.
>I just wanted to get some discussion started on the topic...  There was a
>request for an InvalidChildException (or something to that effect) on
>insertChild().   I believe that would unnecessarily complicate the building
>and processing of simple documents. But since all conforming processors have
>to do validation at some level, it makes sense that validation should be
>available through the DOM--whether through the Node interface or the
>Document interface.

It won't be in Level 1; we have plans to do such a thing, but not until
Level 3 or so.  Right now the DOM's insists on well-formedness, not

There have been several requests for validation methods from www-dom over
the last few months; I personally see this more as an opportunity for an
enterprising tool developer once the DOM PR is out rather than a near-term
requirement for the WG. In my personal opinion, we're trying to build a
good foundation in Level 1, not a complete toolset that DOM implementers
would provide "for free".


Received on Sunday, 3 May 1998 20:14:40 UTC