Re: Entity Declarations

>It may also make sense to include an enum that
>>provides information about the type of entity: INTERNAL, EXTERNAL, PARSED,
>>UNPARSED, etc.
>As I understand it, internal entities are expanded by an XML processor, so
>the DOM never sees them. You're right about needing a Parsed/Unparsed
>attribute; this was apparently discussed at last week's WG meeting.

Understandable. But what if the DOM forms the core of the XML processor
implementation? It should be possible to reproduce an ENTIRE document,
not just an intermediate representation of a document.  Consider the

    documentA -> processor -> DOM -> generator -> documentB

Assuming no limitations on the part of the processor or generator, documentA
and documentB, the DOM should not prevent documentA and documentB from being

Also, it might make sense to differentiate between general entities and
entities since there are significant differences in their behavior.  I'm
talking about separate
interfaces, not just a "type" identifier.

Jeff Mackay
Vtopia, Inc.

Received on Thursday, 30 April 1998 01:19:42 UTC