DOML3 core test case questions

- Test cases for attributes Text.isElementContentWhitespace and Attr.isId,
when transformed to java, appear to get inappropriately prefixed with a
"get".  Is there a fix for this?

-  Does the test framework support testing methods that either return
UserDataObject's or accept UserDataObject parameters.
   For example to test getParameter(...) is something like following valid?

<var name="doc" type="Document"/>
<var name="domConfig" type="DOMConfiguration"/>
<var name="param" type="Booelan"/> <!-- might case validation errors -->
<load var="doc" href="staffNS" willBeModified="false"/>
<domConfig obj="doc" var="domConfig" interface="Document"/>
<getParameter obj="domConfig" var="param" name='"comments"'/>
<assertEquals actual="param" expected='Boolean.TRUE' id="blah"/>  <!--
again possible validation errors -->

- Is there any way of specifying more than one acceptable expected
exception on a method?

Neil Delima / IBM.

Received on Wednesday, 12 November 2003 23:42:56 UTC