DOM WG feedback on DOM TS framework (was: JSUnit 1.3.3)

In relation to this: the DOM WG would like to see that the official 
JsUnit be the base for the DOM TS framework in the future, therefore, 
your working on 1.3.3 is a very good thing. If we have to make changes 
to be able to run existing tests in the new framework, so be it. For 
already released versions of the DOM TS, it is not necessary to be able 
to port it to a newer version of JsUnit. It's not a priority to be able 
to run those tests in the new framework.


On Monday, January 27, 2003, at 06:57 AM, Curt Arnold wrote:

> I've had a decent amount of success recasting the ECMAScript tests to 
> run using an unmodified JSUnit 1.3.3.  Hopefully, I'll be at a point 
> where the entire suite is runnable in a few days.  It would be most 
> convienient to continue to use the same ANT targets and transforms 
> filenames, however there could be a period of regression when the 
> newly generated suite is less functional.  I'd like to avoid producing 
> tests for both JSUnit 1.3.3 and the old JSUnit.  I could place a label 
> before the switch to JSUnit 1.3.3.  But it would probably be 
> sufficient just to know the date of the switch.  Would anyone be 
> adversely affected by switching and a short period of regression.

Received on Monday, 27 January 2003 01:36:43 UTC