Re: assertContains

Jeroen van Rotterdam wrote:
> It would be helpfull if we would have an assertContains for a domstring.
> something like:
> <assertContains value="avalue" obj="astring" id="check_substring"/>
> jeroen

Instead of adding an explicit assertContains and assertContainsNot, I 
added contains to the list of conditions which allows it to be used with 
<assertTrue>, <assertFalse>, <if>, <or>, <and>, etc.

   <assertTrue id="containsFoo">
       <contains obj="stringDoc" substring='"foo"'/>

   <assertFalse id="doesntContainFoo">
       <contains obj="stringDoc" substring='"foo"'/>

Received on Tuesday, 4 February 2003 00:54:46 UTC