Some LS test-issues

Hi there,

here are some more issues with tests that I found. Sorry if they are
duplicates, but I figured the CVS version of saturday that I used would have
most reported issues removed (plus, it should be easy enough to ignore

  has reference to files/text5.xml in it, but that one is in the same
directory, and named differently (test5.xml).
  Should be optional test, should test for LS-ASync support before creating
  resource resolver should not give back null result, then parser will look
for 'new_system' file on filesystem.
  <characterStream obj="inputSource" var="myReader" interface="LSInput"/>
  in Java becomes
  myReader = inputSource.getCharacterStream();
  so stream is not set on input (input is empty).
  <getAttribute var="attr1" obj="elt1" name='"attr1"'/>
discovered during implementation that this does not test whether the whole
attribute is 'accidentally'
removed (getAttribute returns empty string for non-existing attributes).
Since I think most impls are likely to get this wrong at first may be idea
to add extra check that attr1 is present (but empty), also to distinguish it
from next test.
  The check at the end should verify that the attribute is now gone, not
that it is still there as it does now.
  Parser should be made synchronous, not constant 0. Elena reported that
these tests were wrong in other ways but they are running for me now (so
maybe our impl does the wrong thing there?).

Kind regards,


Received on Sunday, 28 December 2003 16:55:57 UTC