<append collection="collection"> element definition changing

The item to be added in the append statement had been specified by the 
"obj" parameter, such as

<append collection="myList" obj="myItem"/>

The XPath test Conformance_Expressions had a substantial number of 
statements like:

<append collection="expressionList" obj='"[floor(.)] &gt; 0"'/>

Though these would produce correct code, they were not schema valid 
since there is a keyref constraint on all attributes named obj that they 
have a corresponding var declaration.  Since the use of obj in the 
append statement is contrary to the nearly universal use of obj as the 
invocation target (aka this) of a method or property.  I've changed the 
attribute name from "obj" to "item" and changed the attribute type from 
variable to variableOrLiteral so that literals can be used.

I'll commit changes to all tests that used the <append/> statement to 
switch it to the new form.  If you maintain an independent transform, 
you will need to modify your production of the append statement.

Received on Friday, 19 December 2003 02:43:08 UTC