RE: L3 Core "nightly" build

Dear Curt,

> Running the L3 Core tests on JDK 1.4 and later will result in 
> method not 
> found exceptions since the L2 DOM is part of the VM's default 
> classpath.  I avoided the problem by dropping back to JDK 1.3, but it 
> would be nice to know a good solution to the problem.

You must override the default L2 DOM of the JDK by putting the jars in
an endorsed directory (the override mechanism of the JDK).
You can put the jars in JDKdir/jre/lib/endorsed, but that is probably
not so handy for this setup where the jars are likely to change. You are
probably better off adding something like 
in the JVM arguments with with you start Java. I am not sure whether you
used ant to ran the tests, but then it would be something like:
    <junit fork="true" ....>
      <jvmarg line="-Djava.endorsed.dirs=../build/jars"/>
(I think the fork is required). The build/jars directory should then
contain jars with both the L3 interfaces and the L3 impl (so e.g.
xml-apis.jar and xercesImpl.jar). JDK 1.3 also accepts this param.

Kind regards,


Received on Wednesday, 10 December 2003 05:40:30 UTC