../build/dom1-interfaces.xml org.w3.domts.level1.core http://www.w3.org/2001/DOM-Test-Suite/tests/Level-1/ /* This Java source file was generated by test-to-java.xsl and is a derived work from the source document. The source document contained the following notice: */ /** * * @author * @author * @see <a href=""></a> * @see <a href=""></a> */ DocumentBuilderSetting. not DocumentBuilderSetting[] settings = new DocumentBuilderSetting[] { , }; DOMTestDocumentBuilderFactory testFactory = factory.newInstance(settings); setFactory(testFactory); super(factory); if(factory.hasFeature( , null ) != false true ) { throw new DOMTestIncompatibleException( , ,null ); } START_TEST() { } END_TEST = strlen( ); = DOM_Implementation_hasFeature( , NULL ); = NULL; = ; = new ArrayList(); .add( new Double( ) new Integer( ) ); = new { }; ; /* */ wait( ); .add( new Integer( )); new Double( )); ); = ; ; += ; -= ; = + ; = - ; = * ; = / ; boolean handleEvent( org.w3c.dom.events.EventListener listener, org.w3c.dom.events.Events evt, org.w3c.dom.events.EventTarget currentTarget, Object userObj) { } = . getImplementation(); fail_unless( , " "); if( ) { } fail_unless( , " "); if( ) { } fail_unless(!( ), " "); if(! ) { } { fail_unless(!( ), " "); if(!) { } fail_unless(( ) == NULL, " "); if( == NULL) { } fail_unless(( ) != NULL, " "); if( != NULL) { } fail_unless( == , " "); if(same( , )) { } assertInstanceOf(" ", .class, ); if( instanceof ) { } assertSize(" ", , ); if(size() == ) { } assertURIEquals(" ", , null, , null, , null, , null, , null, , null, Boolean.TRUE, Boolean.FALSE, null, ); assertEqualsIgnoreCase(" ", , ); if(equalsIgnoreCase( , )) { } assertEquals(" ", , ); if(equals( , )) { } assertNotEqualsIgnoreCase(" ", , ); if(!equalsIgnoreCase( , )) { } assertNotEquals(" ", , ); if(!equals( , )) { } { boolean _tmpBool = true; _tmpBool &= ( .getAtCount() == ); _tmpBool &= ( .getCaptureCount() == ); _tmpBool &= ( .getBubbleCount() == ); _tmpBool &= ( .getTotalCount() == ); assertTrue(" ",_tmpBool); if(_tmpBool) { } } if( ) { } else { } while( ) { } { int _index; for (_index = 0; _index < .size(); ->length; _index++) { = ( DOM_String * ) .get(_index); .item(_index); } } .setUserObj(); = .getAtEvents(); = .getCaptureEvents(); = .getBubbleEvents(); = .getAddEvents(); DOM_String DOM_NodeList DOM_NamedNodeMap DOM_Node DOM_Attr DOM_Element DOM_CharacterData DOM_Text DOM_Comment DOM_Exception DOM_DocumentFragment DOM_Document DOM_String * DOM_NodeList * DOM_NamedNodeMap * DOM_Node * DOM_Attr * DOM_Element * DOM_CharacterData * DOM_Text * DOM_Comment * DOM_Exception DOM_DocumentFragment * DOM_Document * void handleEvent(EventListener listener, Event event, Object userObj) { } = load(" "); fail_unless(DOM_Exception, ""); Unrecognized element ((DOM_String) (( ) /**/ ) Variable not defined. ( ) /* undeclared */ -> = ; = -> ; = _ ( , ); _factory.isValidating() _factory.isCoalescing() _factory.isExpandEntityReferences() _factory.isIgnoringElementContentWhitespace() _factory.isComments() _factory.isNamespaceAware() 1 !() ( & ) ( | ) ( ^ ) ! same(,) strcasecmp( strcmp( , ) !strcasecmp( !strcmp( , ) ( < ) ( <= ) ( > ) ( >= ) ( == NULL) ( != NULL) ( instanceOf ) (.size() == ) ! is () DOM_Implementation_hasFeature( , NULL )