Re: DOMC Test Suite

Not going to be able to work on this today.  Pretty beat from a couple of
marathon nights on the <cc> task for ant.

Do you want to do this as a part of the W3C effort?  If you'd like to do
this as part of the W3C effort, email the transform to which will make sure that all the IPR issues
are dotted and crossed.

> o The assertions assume certain type evaluations can be made like
>   assertEquals might warrant == or strcmp.

Since the transform is aware of the types of the arguments, it is pretty
easy for the transform to produce assertEqualsString, assertEqualInt, etc.
I'd prefer that over trying to inline the comparison with an strcmp.

> o The for-each loop is not right but largely because ...
> o I need a List type

Doesn't need to be a very sophisticated, full featured list type.

> o Memory management is not considered at all and would probably require
>   modification of the templates.
> BTW: Saxon failed miserably with the Java suite. Are you sure
> the problem is with the parsers?

Nope.  It was just similar symptoms to stuff I've experienced before.  I
just rebuilt the suite using Saxon without incident.  Could you give me the
specifics of your build configuration, O/S, Java vendor and version,
anything else pertinent.  Definitely the test suite generation makes a good
stress test of an XSLT processor.

Received on Sunday, 17 March 2002 18:02:15 UTC