Tests in DOM-Test-Suite failing XML validity constraints.

Item 1: In

there are 2 occurences of <!ATTLIST hasSize
The second occurence must read <!ATTLIST contentType
Note: this is a bug similar to the bug fixed in Rev. 1.14 of dom-to-dtd.xsl

Result: In tests/dom1.dtd, the duplicate ATTLIST causes tests to fail
validity constraints.

Item 2: The element "value" is missing from the content model of <!ELEMENT
in tests/dom1.dtd

Result: The following two tests fail validity constraints:

attrsetvaluenomodificationallowederr.xml:57: validity error: Element
NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR content doesn't follow the DTD
Expecting (nodeValue | data | data | insertBefore | replaceChild |
removeChild |
 appendChild | setNamedItem | appendData | insertData | deleteData |
 | setAttribute | removeAttribute | setAttributeNode | removeAttributeNode |
splitText), got (value )
attrsetvaluenomodificationallowederrEE.xml:55: validity error: Element
NO_MODIFICATION_ALLOWED_ERR content doesn't follow the DTD
Expecting (nodeValue | data | data | insertBefore | replaceChild |
removeChild |
 appendChild | setNamedItem | appendData | insertData | deleteData |
 | setAttribute | removeAttribute | setAttributeNode | removeAttributeNode |
itText), got (value )

- Nick -

Received on Wednesday, 13 March 2002 16:57:55 UTC