Re: Tests that depend on node being inserted for default attributes

comments inlined.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Curt Arnold" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, March 08, 2002 10:44 AM
Subject: Re: Tests that depend on node being inserted for default attributes

> Mary Brady wrote:
> >Did anyone try the suggestion of creating an internal dtd instead of
> external?
> >Will this fix the problem without requiring validation?
> I would consider those as a distinct new tests.  We do not have clear
> guidance from the WG to know if default attributes from an internal subset
> should be considered "known" and therefore should be provided.
> We do know from the WG that they believed the existing tests over-reached
> and tested behavior that was not always required.  However, they didn't
> state the conditions under which the behavior was required.  If the
> was never required, then the tests should be deprecated.  By my changes,
> asserting my interpretation that the behavior is required when the parser
> validating since validation presupposed knowing the content of the DTD.
[mb] Have we asked the working group what should happen if the iterms were
represented as an internal subset?  I'd rather get a concrete answer and fix
problem than provide a work-around.

> p.s. Marking the tests as requiring validation will only cause them to be
> reported as Not Applicable to non-validating implementations.

Received on Friday, 8 March 2002 10:58:29 UTC