DOM Conformance Test Suite, Level 1 Core

This document

This document describes how to run the DOM Level 1 Core Test Suite. It also includes pointers to relevant software as well as relevant resources.

The DOM TS has been developed in accordance with the DOM Conformance Test Suites Process Document. For additional information and to download other DOM Test Suites, visit the DOM Conformance Test Suites page.


The DOM Conformance Test Suite consist of a series of tests that have been generated from XML test descriptions, then transformed into the two official DOM bindings, Java and ECMA. In order to run the test suite, we have provided the possibility to run the tests using JUnit and JsUnit (slightly modified), both included in this distribution.

The DOM Level 1 Core TS was released on february 13, 2002.


This distribution is organized as follows:

index.htm -- this file

build -- consists of the test matrix, schema and dtd for the DOM TS, metadatafiles about the tests, and the actual Java and ECMA tests

dist -- consists of the DOM TS documentation in Doxygen format (you will need to expand the dist/ in order to read the documentation which you after expading will find here), and jar files for the Java tests

lib -- consists of JUnit and JSunit

tests -- consists of the XML test description used to generate the actual tests

Running the ECMA tests

To run the ECMA tests, open the JsUnit test runner in the browser you want to test, then load the test you want to run, or the file alltests.html to run all existing DOM Level1 Core tests. These files are located in build/ecmascript/level1/core. For JsUnit reference, please visit the JsUnit home page.

JsUnit will provide output with indication on how many tests that were run, how many failed and how many errors were found while running. The error log points to the actual test, so identifying what you need to do in your implementation is simplified.

Running the Java tests

To run the Java tests, we have provided you with JUnit. You need to add this to your path prior to running. You can run JUnit in command line or graphical mode. Please refer to the JUnit documentation on how to do this. To test your parser in the JUnit environment, type:

java -jar dom1-core.jar.

The parser you want to must be put in the dist directory, in which you also start JUnit to run the tests.

and then select:

depending on which parser you want to test.


We look forward to your comments. The DOM TS Group communicates primarily through the DOM TS mailing list (archive).

Tests in this table are released under the the following license:
Copyright (c) 2001 World Wide Web Consortium, (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Institut National de Recherche en Informatique et en Automatique, Keio University). All Rights Reserved. This program is distributed under the W3C's Software Intellectual Property License. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.
See W3C License for more details.


The DOM TS was jointly launched by the W3C and NIST. It is, however, a publically developed and open framework. Reaching the point of being able to finalize and release the DOM TS would not have been possible were it not for the contribution from several people in the developer community, especially Curt Arnold and Fred Drake.

Mary Brady, NIST representative
Dimitris Dimitriadis, DOM TS Representative for the W3C DOM Working Group
Philippe Le Hégaret, D