RE: Help wanted: A xslt transform for tests to HTML

Just saw this, gimme 10 minutes and I'll get back to you with a

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Arnold, Curt [] 
> Sent: Friday, February 22, 2002 10:22 PM
> To: ''
> Subject: Help wanted: A xslt transform for tests to HTML
> If anyone else would like to take it upon themselves to write 
> a little XSLT
> transform that would produce a reasonable HTML representation 
> of a test
> definition in the next day or two, it would be appreciated.  
> Not anything
> remotely as complex as test-to-java.xsl.
> Quick requirements:
> Output should be valid HTML
> Should be compatible with styles already used for test matrix, etc.
> Assertion elements should be addressable using a URL 
> fragment, for example, 
> <assertEquals id="nameEqual" actual="name" expected='"newname"'/>
> Should be converted into something like:
> <a id="nameEqual">&lt;assertEquals id="nameEqual"...&gt;</a>
> Metadata links should have hyperlinks:
> 		<subject
> resource="
> evel-one-core#
> ID-35CB04B5"/>
> Should be converted to:
> &lt;subject resource="<a href="http://...">http:...</a>"/&gt;
> You'd probably want to lift the de-Xpointerizing logic from 
> test-matrix.xsl
> so that exception clause references point to the attribute or 
> method and not
> an Xpointer that would not be interpreted by current browsers.
> I may try to write a simple test page harness this weekend 
> and having this
> transform would make it easy to link to the appropriate 
> assertion failure in
> the test definition and give me one less thing to do.

Received on Monday, 25 February 2002 03:53:01 UTC