distribution section of index.htm

This paragraph is confusing:


dist -- consists of the DOM TS documentation in Doxygen format (you will
need to expand the dist/dom1-core-doxygen.zip in order to read the
documentation which you after expading will find here
0212\dist\dom1-core-doxygen%20Folder\index.html> ), and jar files for
the Java tests


The "here" link corresponds to a directory that is not created by the
decompression of dom1-core-doxygen.zip.  The user will get an error when
they click on the link.  Forcing a directory to be created during
decompression that corresponds to the link is a better solution.


Jason Brittsan { Software Test Engineer || Avalon App Model ||
jasonbri@microsoft.com || 425-706-0732 }


Received on Tuesday, 12 February 2002 20:24:27 UTC