[ECMA Framework] Results from OSX browsers


I've run Bob's alpha on all browsers I have access to currently. Short 
story: only Mozilla works.

As we want to release the next version of the DOM TS level1 soon, I want 
to have relevant feedback from representatives of other major browsers 
as well. I had a talk with the EI for Mac rep. during the W3C Tech 
Plenary; please advise on whether you will allocate resources or in 
another way help to make the TS runnable on Explorer for Mac.

We shoudl set a deadline in order to be able to release the DOM TS level 
1. I propose to the end of this week for representatives to reply to the 
results below (and other people's results, it would be a good idea to 
run browsers in a Linux environemnt as well; my Konqueror failed).

My results from running the JsUnit 1.3.0 alpha at
http://bclary.com/jsunit/jsunit/testRunner.html (using no tracing)

My setup:

Mac OS X 10.1.4
Mozilla 0.9.9, build 2002041308 (XMoz)
Internet Explorer 5.1.4 (4415.2) (Won't run any tests)
OmniWeb (does not let you enter the file to be run, so not tested)
Opera 5.0.498(tests time out)

Mac 9.2.2
Mozilla 1.0 RC1, build 2002041711 (9Moz)
Netscape 4.75 (doesn't let you enter file to be run, so not tested)
Internet Explorer 5.0 (2022) (Won't run any tests)
Opera 5.0.485 (tests time out)

Linux for PPC (Debian)
Konqueror (Kon)

XMoz: 26 runs, no erros/failures
9Moz: 26 runs, no erros/failures

XMoz: 13 runs, no errors/falires
9Moz: 15 runs, no errors/falires

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 1 run, no errors/failures

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 1 run, no errors/failures

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 1 run, no errors/failures

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 1 run, no errors/failures

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 1 run, no errors/failures

XMoz: 25 runs, no errors/failures
9Moz: 25 runs, no errors/failures

XMoz: 13 runs, no errors/failures
9Moz: 14 runs, no errors/failures

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 1 run, no errors/failures

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 1 run, no errors/failures

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 3 run, no errors/failures

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 1 run, no errors/failures

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 1 run, no errors/failures

jsUnitTestFailures.html (should fail)
XMoz: 1 run, no errors, 1 failure
9Moz: 1 run, no errors, 1 failure

XMoz: 1 run, no errors/failures
9Moz: 1 run, no errors/failures

Received on Tuesday, 23 April 2002 14:04:58 UTC