Updated test-to-java, etc

The problem with firstChild was due to firstChild being both a method (of TreeWalker) and an attribute (of Node), the transform didn't like that too much.  I've also cleaned up indenting and a long term problem with the spurious /* undefined */ comments.  Have not made the corresponding changes to test-to-ecmascript.xsl

I removed the setNodeValue() tests that I recently added to some of the documentCreate* tests and created distinct tests (nullnodevalue01-09) that create or access each of the node types that have nodeValue permanently set to null.

staffNS.xml was not present, so most all the test fail.

Several of the tests create a list of responses to unrelated evaluations, append the results of the evaluations to a list and then compare the lists.  That is undesirable since it unnecessarily complicates the tests.  List comparisons should only be used when there is an iteration involved.  Most of these look like they are badly formulated anyway.

isSupported12 looks pretty weird, it appears to be testing if the parser under test supports all know DOM modules (Core, Events, HTML) and both level 1 and level 3!!!!.  No parser in existance would pass this test.  I did rewrite it to eliminate the nested <foreach> since I haven't supported nested <foreach> in the code generation.

Several tests had unnecessary while statements and were depending on <plus> to do string concatenation.  I simplified these by adding the concatentated string to the literals in the array members and removing the whiles.

All the tests seemed to have spurious line feeds which I have cleaned up.

All committed to the CVS.

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2001 05:35:34 UTC