Re: Integrating the DOM test suite in the Batik test infrastructure


Thanks for your interest in the DOM TS.

As I wrote the readme.txt which is a description of the build and run 
process of the TS, please forward any comments you have on it since it 
is under review before being published.

A first stop for you to get a picture of how hard/difficult it will be 
is to visit where you have sufficient 
information to begin with.

I look forward to your comments.

/Dimitris Dimitriadis, DOM WG represenative to the DOM TS

On Wednesday, November 28, 2001, at 04:59  PM, Curt Arnold wrote:

> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Vincent Hardy" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2001 9:38 AM
> Subject: Integrating the DOM test suite in the Batik test infrastructure
>> Curt,
>> We talked a while back about Batik and its DOM implementation. As you
>> may know, we have our own test infrastructure into which I would like
>> to integrate the DOM level 1 and DOM level 2 tests you have created in
>> the DOM WG test effort.
> Actually, the tests were primarily created by NIST.  I created most of 
> the
> implementation.
>> However, I have poked around:
>> and looked at your ReadMe.txt and I am not too sure what I am up to...
> I didn't write and haven't read the readme.txt (it is pretty new) and 
> open
> for comments.
>> It seems that your tools currently generate tests for JUnits a some
>> other frameworks. Could you tell me if this was done by writing
>> adaptors for these frameworks (but in the end you are running the
>> same tests) or if you have different stylesheets
>> for each framework?
> There are distinct stylesheets for different bindings.  For example, 
> there
> are distinct stylesheets for Java and ECMAScript (and hopefully Python, 
> C++,
> C#, etc).  The Java tests are written to use an interface that 
> abstracts the
> functions required from the test framework.  The produced jar's can 
> current
> be run using either JUnit or Avalon testlet by matching the test jar 
> with an
> adapter jar (either junit-run.jar or avalon-run.jar).  Probably the most
> appropriate approach would be to create a similar adapter for your 
> regard
> tool.  Look at the sources in either DOM-Test-Suite/java/junit or
> DOM-Test/java/avalon and hopefully it will be moderately obvious.
>> I'd like to scope how difficult/easy it is going to be to integrate
>> your test suite into our regard (regression guard) tool.
> Hopefully with an appropriate adapter classes you can use the standard
> distribution .jars to test the Java implementation.
> Philippe Le Hegaret was looking at testing Batik using the existing
> JUnit/Avalon adapters by using the DOM 3 Load/Save interfaces.
> I would also love to see a SVG/ECMAScript test suite.  I was thinking 
> that
> you could build a grid for a particular test suite and the squares would
> turn green or red as the tests progress and hovering over a test would 
> put
> any messages in a text box at the bottom of the page.
>> Thanks in advance for your advice.
>> Vincent Hardy.

Received on Wednesday, 28 November 2001 11:24:39 UTC