Re: L2-core-getElementsByTagNameNS02

>    If the
> ultimate correct answer is 2, then the test should be changed to require
> exactly 2 elements in the node list.
> I would agree that your interpretation of the recommendation text is
> reasonable and possibly what the WG was trying to say, but if all (or almost
> all) the implementations read it a different way, then I would suggest an
> errata to ratify the defacto behavior.

That's pretty much what I said ... either the spec has a bug, or some
implementations do.  I think it's the implementations, but the question
does need to get answered.  Ratifying random bugs is a dangerous route.

How does the DOM WG get involved when such issues get raised?

> If you could pass along some quick notes on using Saxon with Ant, I'd be
> grateful.

All I did was run ANT 1.4.1 (current) in an environment that's set up to default
to using the current GNUJAXP code (SAX and DOM) and Saxon 6.4.2; I've
no idea if more recent versions of Saxon would behave differently.

The build ran fine, modulo out-of-memory problems caused by having too
much other stuff going on at the same time.

- Dave

Received on Saturday, 17 November 2001 19:20:37 UTC