SV: Bad DTD conversion

Thanks, I'll look into it right away.

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Curt Arnold []
Skickat: den 28 maj 2001 18:32
Ämne: Re: Bad DTD conversion

Dimitris Dimitriadis wrote:
>I've also run into problems with two editors I use, XML Spy and XML
Authority, that
>don't have a uniform way of expanding substitution groups (either in schema
form or as
>etnities in DTD), which of course leads to the only serious alternative:
text editor.

Actually, there is another possibility.  About a year or so ago, I did an
XML Schema "compiler" in XSLT that did all the inclusions, resolved all the
links, built all the substitution groups and produced a "compiled"
representation from which would could build code, documentation, or
conversions to other schema representations such as DTDs.  I've been asked
to revive that from time to time, potentially as a path from XML Schema to
Schematron.  I'm pretty sure that I could tweak the DTD generation to
represent named groups and substitution groups as parameter entities.  An
significantly out of date version is at

Received on Monday, 28 May 2001 12:35:02 UTC