SV: [Xmlconf-developer] RE: XML Schema Test Collection open for c ontributions

Needless to say, I will be more than happy to contribute and I'm sure the
same goes for most people involved in the DOM TS already.


-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: Arnold, Curt []
Skickat: den 2 maj 2001 17:50
Till: ''
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Ämne: [Xmlconf-developer] RE: XML Schema Test Collection open for

Congrats to all on reaching recommendation.  Now on to fully
implementing and testing the thing. didn't seem to have a corresponding or a listing in the public
archives.  I don't know if you intend the mailing list to be
a public forum (ala and the 
subscription and archives are lagging the announcement
or if the email address is either W3C member only or a place 
to drop tests off in the middle of the night.

Anyone who wants a sandbox to play in is welcome
to participate in or to 
discuss schema testing on the mailing list

My initial thoughts is that it might be appropriate to have
a distinct representation for simpleType tests.  For simpleType's
if you had a test description along the lines of:

<simpleType ref="xs:double">
    <!--  each value must be greater than the previous  -->
    <!--  would probably need a no comparison test for times  -->

You could either do unit tests on the simpleType classes or
synthesize a schema and documents that tested all of the 

Xmlconf-developer mailing list

Received on Wednesday, 2 May 2001 12:01:37 UTC