[General] Updated Process Document

I've changed the process document to incorporate the following changes:

1. 1. Changed date
2. Added information about the www-dom-ts-submission mailing list
3. Added pointer to (yet not existing) technical document on DOM TS matters
(http://www.w3.org/DOM/DOMTSTechnical) which I'm currently writing. Also
changed wording in this section (from there is no such document, to there is
a document, pointing to it)
4. Sanity-checked for typos
5. Updated timeframe (we're looking at june/july for the DOM level 1 tests
as we as of yet haven't received the NIST level 1 tests).
6. Added the new phrasing for the copyright license statement, which you can
find at

You can find it at: http://www.w3.org/DOM/DOMTS-Process


Received on Thursday, 28 June 2001 06:23:27 UTC