Re: FW: [ANNOUNCEMENT] Xalan-J 2.2.D14 released (long email, debugging needed)

Copying xalan.jar, xerces.jar, xml-apis.jar and xsltc.jar to the Ant 1.4.1
bin directory allowed the style task to run, but it still fails for
alltests.xml and for random other tests either with a can't load document or
Unknown error in XPath.

The Unknown error in XPath thing (delete tests/level1/core/alltests.xml to
move to other tests) is strange in that it does not occur when invoking
Xalan from the command line, but does occur from Ant.

The build process is a good stress test for Xalan, but currently 2.2D14 is
not a viable option for domts building.

Received on Tuesday, 4 December 2001 00:11:48 UTC