camera as input device?

camera as input device?

eyetoy has shown that the digital camera can provide an invisible 
interface, and hence much fun for a mixed range of abilities and needs.
washing windows**, playing tennis....

Is there an open source effort around assessing gesture through digital 
Shouldn't w3 be sponsoring such a technical development?

issues directly relevant to DI include there may be a requirement for 
multiple pointers, as we frequently use both hands together....
ie traffic policeman, etc and of course there is the social avatar and 
networked communities.

I'm particularly interested in the cross-over with SVG and the web.
Such a device will have particular relevance for accessibility and 
people with a range of disabilities*


Jonathan Chetwynd     "It's easy to use"

*I was lucky enough to witness one of the very first demos of eyetoy 
with a group of adults with severe learning difficulties, and I can 
assure you we never had so much fun! PwLD may have multiple 
disabilities including poor coordination, aphasia, or poor fine motor 

**Leaves is an online game we made a few years ago, possibly as a 
response to seeing 'washing windows':

Received on Thursday, 9 December 2004 20:20:19 UTC