RE: Should the meaning of properties change dependent on struct ure? ( was CC/PP components)

At 15:38 24/04/2003 +0100, Butler, Mark wrote:
>So to ask a subtly different question when we have two properties that are
>aimed at different domains are we best creating separate properties and
>relating them using something like RDFS or should we define them as being
>the same? In my previous post, the example I gave was should we just use
>expirationDate for pageExpirationDate and creditCardExpirationDate or should
>we distinguish between them? Which is better modelling practice?
>The problem is often even though values seem to have the same semantics,
>often we process those value in different ways and the nature of the
>processing implies some semantics.

I suspect there's often going to be an element of judgement about 
this.  The case outlined here suggests to me that different properties 
would be appropriate, so that processing can easily be directed based on 
the property alone.  In other cases, where a property may be used in 
different contexts but processed similarly, I think a common property may 
be easier.


Graham Klyne
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Received on Friday, 25 April 2003 08:04:28 UTC