need a favor

I don't know if this is right thing to do in this group. I apologize if this
set off some people. But, I figure I got people who are interested in the
same topics that we are interested in so might as well ask.

We are recruiting folks to join our team. We are interested in folks who
have implementation expertise in the following areas:

1. Networking - i.e., we want folks to work with CORBA so that it can be
extended to support mobile code in a lanugage independent (not language
neutral) way to support resource discovery and other uses.

2. Annotation - folks who are interested in implementing annotations on
complex engineering material (drawing, 3D, etc.) over the web

3. Change management - versions, configurations, workspace managment "over
the web".

Let me know if you know of folks.

Also, feel free to pass it on.


Sankar Virdhagriswaran                       508 287 4511
Crystaliz, Inc.                              508 287 4512

Received on Monday, 29 July 1996 09:04:38 UTC