Quotation attribution for 'golden rules of computer security'

Dear Prof. Morris,

On the Wikipedia page about your father the following quotation is
credited to him:
“The three golden rules to ensure computer security are: do not own a
computer; do not power it on; and do not use it.”

However, the citation is to a book which appears to credit it to you,
not to him. To make matters more confusing, there now appear to be
many other pages on the web which credit it to him, and it’s
impossible to tell if they actually know where it came from or if they
just copied Wikipedia.

Did you devise these ‘three rules’ or did your father? (Or, for that
matter, did neither of you?)

Many thanks,
dpk (David P. Kendal) · Nassauische Str. 36, 10717 DE · http://dpk.io/
  Pretend that you're Hercule Poirot: Examine all clues, and deduce the
  truth by order and method.               — strings /usr/local/bin/tex

P.S. For permanent record I have copied this message to the W3C’s
www-archive mailing list.

Received on Sunday, 5 November 2017 12:50:45 UTC