10:56] == paulc [~paulc@public.cloak] has joined #html-media [10:56] trackbot, start meeting [10:56] * trackbot is preparing a teleconference. [10:56] == RRSAgent [rrsagent@public.cloak] has joined #html-media [10:56] logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/13-html-media-irc [10:56] RRSAgent, make logs public [10:56] I have made the request, trackbot [10:56] == Zakim [zakim@public.cloak] has joined #html-media [10:56] Zakim, this will be 63342 [10:56] ok, trackbot [10:56] Meeting: HTML Media Task Force Teleconference [10:56] Date: 13 September 2016 [10:56] present+ paulc [10:56] present+ Kaz [10:56] * kaz sorry but just for the first 15mins [10:57] Agenda: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2016Sep/0059.html [10:57] Chair: paulc [10:57] Scribe: paulc [10:57] * kaz oh, thanks a lot, pauls :) [10:57] * kaz oh, thanks a lot, paulc :) [10:57] == markw [~markw@public.cloak] has joined #html-media [11:00] == ddorwin [~Adium@public.cloak] has joined #html-media [11:01] == MattWolenetz [~MattWolenetz@public.cloak] has joined #html-media [11:01] present+ ddorwin [11:01] present_ markw [11:01] present+ markw [11:01] present+ MattWolenetzx [11:02] present+ MattWolenetz [11:02] Regrets: Philippe, Mark Vickers, Francois [11:03] zakim, who is on the call? [11:03] Present: paulc, Kaz, ddorwin, markw, MattWolenetzx [11:03] rrsagent, generate the minutes [11:03] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/13-html-media-minutes.html paulc [11:03] Topic: HME WG F2F meeting, Lisbon, Mon-Tue Sep 19-20 [11:04] == jdsmith [~jdsmith@public.cloak] has joined #html-media [11:04] https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2016Sep/0043.html [11:04] present+ jdsmith [11:04] Suggestion is to hold a joint Web & TV IG and HME WG meeting to discuss future use cases on Monday morning. [11:04] So attendees should find the Web & TV IG meeting space for that joint meeting [11:05] paulc:  does the Web & TV IG have used cases? [11:06] Kaz: The Web & TV IG's task force may have use cases [11:06] ... I want to talk to MArk Vickers about older use cases from Sapporo TPAC [11:07] paulc: I believe the WAVE community plans to submit new use cases ASAP [11:07] s/MArk/Mark/ [11:07] ... This will be "unconference like" session with the agenda determined at the start of the joint meeting [11:08] paulc will coordinate with Web & TV IG chairs on this session [11:08] Matt: Pleae ensure there are good notes for non-attendees [11:08] Paulc:  Will do [11:09] s/Pleae/Please/ [11:09] Topic: MSE Editorial issues, MSE Editors [11:09] https://github.com/w3c/media-source/milestones/V1Editorial [11:11] https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/159 will be triaged at V1Editorial and will be done as before we transition to PR [11:11] Jerry will prepare a pull request and Matt will review so we have this change ready. [11:12] https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/157 is also untriaged [11:12] ISSUE-157 is marked as V1NonBlocking [11:12] Chair: How do we handle this? [11:13] Matt: If the registry can be updated separate from MSE then I can do a pull request for this. [11:13] Chair:  Matt should coordinate with Philippe since the MSE Registry work is still pending [11:14] Jerry:  I have information now and will respond today [11:14] Matt:  I will assign 157 to Jerry and will close with no action my PR 158 [11:15] Topic: MSE Registry publication as WG notes, Philippe [11:15] This is still pending and plh told me he would guarantee that it does not hold up MSE's transition [11:15] See https://github.com/w3c/media-source/issues/74 [11:16] Topic: CfC for MSE Proposed Recommendation closes Fri Sep 16 [11:16] There has been support but no dissent yet. [11:16] tps://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-html-media/2016Sep/0053.html [11:17] s/tps:/https:/ [11:17] Due to the AC meeting next week and the publication moratorium I am expecting the PR transition to occur either in Lisbon or after the TPAC week.  Publication of the PR to the AC would likely occur in late Sep or early Oct. [11:17] FTR the usual PR review period for the AC is 6 weeks [11:18] Topic: MSE test suite and results [11:18] plh tells me the WebIDL new results are integrated as are recent Firefox results [11:18] Chair: Any outstanding test results? [11:19] Matt: Do we need more text track testing? [11:19] Chair:  Can you send an email about text track testing to indicate what tests exist and which part of the spec is not tested. [11:20] Matt: I will start a new thread on the public-html-media email list [11:20] see Text tracks: https://github.com/w3c/web-platform-tests/issues/3673 [11:21] MAtt: There are some WebIDL differences but these are outside of MSE and are more general problems [11:21] David: There are diffences on how Blink handles some semantic tests that actually test the webidl generator [11:25] MAtt: The implementation report is slightly out of date.  Matt will identify the work that still needs to be added. [11:25] Topic: EME Editorial issues, EME Editors [11:26] ISsue-317 and 320 were outstanding as of yesterday [11:26] David: there is PR for 320 that needs to be reviewed [11:27] ... issue-317 needs to be cleaned up [11:27] ... issue-183 - we need to discuss his with Philippe [11:27] Chair: plh told me yesterday that 183 is certainlly not going to blocked EME [11:28] Chair: We need to simply decide if any changes to the registry SOTD are required. [11:28] Topic: EME NonBlocking issues, EME Editors [11:29] Issue-242 has a PR that needs to be reviewed [11:29] David: I opend Issue-312 in response to one of the objection threads but no one has responded. [11:30] David:  We are done the Editorial and Nonblocking items once the PRs are handled. [11:30] Topic: Other EME issues [11:30] ISSUE-85: https://github.com/w3c/encrypted-media/issues/85 [11:30] * trackbot is adding a note to ISSUE-85. [11:30] Notes added to ISSUE-85 . [11:31] Chair:  The last time we touched on ISSUE-85 we said we were waiting for interop testing [11:31] Topic: EME at risk features [11:32] David: persistent usage record - pending testing results [11:32] David: is the current status that Edge is the only browser that can pass? [11:33] Mark:  This is the same for many tests so we have a general discussion item here [11:33] Mark: ... mentioned use of various polyfills for some of these tests [11:34] Mark: keystatus is not working the same on more than one browser [11:35] Mark: We need to agree on how to handle features that only pass on only one browser [11:35] David:  If we have features that don't pass testing then we either have to wait for changing implementations or take the features out and repeat CR [11:36] Chair:  Did't we agree to have this discussion AFTER we completed the conversion of the Google tests? [11:36] Mark: Yes [11:37] Mark:  There are quite a few of things that are not passing and this could either be bad tests, bugs in implementations, etc. [11:37] Mark:  There will likely be some features that don't have two implementations [11:38] David: Have we reorganized the test suite so that the tests don't distinguish on key system? [11:38] Mark: I will check into whether the most recent results are merged [11:38] David: Chrome55 has better WebIDL results [11:39] ... if you want to get those results [11:39] == RRSAgent [rrsagent@public.cloak] has quit [Request too long] [11:39] Jerry: Which version of Chrome should be test with? [11:39] David: Canary [11:39] rrsagent, generate the minutes [11:40] rrsagent [11:41] Chair:  We need to follow up on the previous actions and update the test results [11:41] s/Did't/Didn't/ [11:41] Jerry: We need to evaluate the results eventually [11:41] Mark: We need to merge the persistent license tests results in merger [11:42] Mark: This depends  DRMToday bug fix [11:44] Jerry: We are still waiting for the test cases to be converted [11:44] Jerry's status report: https://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-hme-editors/2016Sep/0014.html [11:45] The above link indicates what tests are being done by Netflix and we are stll waiting for a volunteer for the 14 outstanding tests [11:46] Mark: I will report tomorrow on the current work being done by Netflix [11:46] Mark and Paul: Maybe we will have an EME test hacking session at TPAC [11:47] David: I understand Jerry's desire to minimize his work [11:47] == plh [plehegar@public.cloak] has joined #html-media [11:47] * plh waves [11:48] Jerry: I will do an update with Mark's change to not distinguish on key system [11:48] present+ plh [11:49] rrsagent, generate the minutes [11:49] == RRSAgent [rrsagent@public.cloak] has joined #html-media [11:49] logging to http://www.w3.org/2016/09/13-html-media-irc [11:51] Chair: Paul provided an oral summary for late arriving plh [11:51] plh: We need to review the Netflix tests [11:52] plh: I know how long we need to finish MSE but it is NOT clear how to handle our charter for EME [11:52] plh: We need to know our timeline for EME before the end of TPAC [11:53] plh:  We run a risk of not getting EME done if we don't have a clearer plan for EME testing [11:53] plh: We need someone to step up for reviewing the Netflix migration tests [11:53] Jerry:  MSFT will review Netflix converted tests but we don't have the resources to do the conversion themselves [11:54] plh: we need to have the timeline at TPAC [11:55] plh: And if mark is right that we don't have all features implemented then the problem is bigger - the timetable is very fuzzy [11:56] plh:  It is NOT clear how the Director would react to a request for 6 month extension to charter to get better test results [11:56] plh: I am not picking on today's attendees that are doing the work.  We need other to step up to do the testing work. [11:57] Matt: Will the uncertainty for EME impact MSE? [11:57] plh: No.  It appears that we can get a MSE recommendation by the end of October. [11:57] plh:  We need to also discuss how to do any future work on MSE. [11:58] plh:  We need to figure out how the uncertainty of EME does not impact MSE. [11:58] plh: The policitical pressure on EME is increasing.  Remember that I warned that we needed to get done by the end of Sept. [11:59] Mark:  Do you ahve comment on where EME V2 would be done? [11:59] plh:  That topic needs to wait until we have a clearer story on EME V1 [12:00] Mark: Maybe the story for V2 will influence people's views on how to handle lack of interop on EME V1 [12:01] Chair: IS there anyone on the call that can help with converting the outstanding 14 Google tests? [12:01] Mark: Netflix will help but we need time to get thru them all [12:03] Chair: What is the latest date you can use to collect data for a charter extension? [12:03] plh: Sep 27 [12:04] plh:  If the Director does not give a charter extension he might tell the WG to publish EME as a WG Note [12:05] paulc:  If EME was published as a WG Note could it be published with a license that would permit others to use the content? [12:05] plh:  That could be considered. [12:06] plh: Patent commitments only apply to Recommendations and therefore any patent obligations on EME would be released [12:06] David: We may need to engage Firefox on the Clear Key tests [12:07] David: The Keystatus tests were working on Chrome [12:07] s/engage Firefox on the Clear Key tests/engage Firefox on the Key Status tests, especially for Clear Key since Edge does not support Key Status/ [12:10] Chair:  We need to have a clear list of work tiems for EME testing [12:11] plh:  It is possible to add people to the owner file for just EME.  Just let plh know.  You will get pinged by GitHub when there is a new PR. [12:11] plh: You may need to manually tell Github that you want futher updates on the PR [12:12] David:  You will be added as a reviewer to new PRs if you are in the owners file. [12:12] Jerry: I will publish the updated results today [12:13] David: Then I will start a thread with the Editors the gap list for implementations based on a shorter less than two list. [12:13] Mark: I will give the conversion of tests updates as well [12:13] rrsagent, generate the minutes [12:13] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/13-html-media-minutes.html paulc [12:14] rrsagent, generate the minutes [12:14] I have made the request to generate http://www.w3.org/2016/09/13-html-media-minutes.html paulc