Re: Vibration

On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 6:57 PM, Kostiainen, Anssi
<> wrote:
> I updated the Editor's Draft to provide the following hooks:

I was thinking of something like this in IDL:

  typedef (unsigned long or sequence<unsigned long>) VibratePattern;

So I can refer to that and if we ever decide to allow other arguments
it would automatically work. Sorry for not being more clear.


This looks good.


This looks good too, except for the first step, which is not really
applicable for notifications, and even less for notifications from a
service worker (there's no document). Maybe that step should be
uplifted to "processing vibration patterns"?

Thanks for the quick reply and making this work!


Received on Wednesday, 19 November 2014 10:04:31 UTC