Re: URL work in HTML 5

On Tue, Oct 16, 2012 at 5:12 AM, Darrel Miller <> wrote:
> Maybe I am being completely naïve here, but from reading a number of threads
> on various mailing lists that are talking about your URL spec, the sticking
> point seems to be around your assertion that "The plan is to obsolete the
> RFCs ".  I believe that from your perspective many implementers will not
> need to use anything other than your URL parsing specification and so in
> effect obsoletes the RFC.  However,  I see no need for you to duplicate the
> effort of 3986 just so that you can layer some additional constraints on top
> of it.  And secondly, 3986 needs to remain in order to provide guidelines to
> those who choose not to conform to the Web Platform URL Parsing
> Specification (forgive me for renaming your spec :-)).

1. The idea that you would just have a few pre-processing steps before
entering RFC 3986 sounds interesting, but I do not believe that would
actually work. I'm happy to be proven wrong, but I am not interested
in investigating that direction. I want a single URL standard, not a
mash of various complicated documents.

2. My specification will cover more than just parsing (as it already hints at).

3. I will probably add the ability, just like the HTML parser has, to
halt on the first error in certain contexts (as some non-browser
implementations may wish to do).


Received on Tuesday, 16 October 2012 11:15:23 UTC