Type of links in HTML 4.01 files

When creating an HTML spider for making an "HTTP map" of the Web  
site, we need to get all the possible links in a page.


* <a          href="http://example.org/foo"> </a>
* <area       href="http://example.org/foo">
* <base       href="http://example.org/foo">
* <blockquote cite="http://example.org/foo"> </blockquote>
* <del        cite="http://example.org/foo"> </del>
* <form       action="http://example.org/foo"> </form>
* <head       profile="http://example.org/foo http://example.org/ 
bar"> </head>
* <img        src="http://example.org/foo">
* <img        londesc="http://example.org/foo">
* <img        usemap="http://example.org/foo">
* <input      src="http://example.org/foo">
* <input      usemap="http://example.org/foo">
* <ins        cite="http://example.org/foo"> </ins>
* <link       href="http://example.org/foo">
* <object     classid="http://example.org/foo"> </object>
* <object     codebase="http://example.org/foo"> </object>
* <object     data="http://example.org/foo"> </object>
* <object     usemap="http://example.org/foo"> </object>
* <q          cite="http://example.org/foo"> </q>
* <script     src="http://example.org/foo"> </script>
* <script     for="http://example.org/foo"> </script>

Slightly related, list of CSS properties which takes a URI for value.  
These properties can be present in a style attribute or inside a  
style element.

* background
* background-image
* content
* cue
* cue-after
* cue-before
* cursor
* list-style
* list-style-image
* play-during

Karl Dubost - http://www.w3.org/People/karl/
W3C Conformance Manager, QA Activity Lead
   QA Weblog - http://www.w3.org/QA/
      *** Be Strict To Be Cool ***

Received on Wednesday, 1 August 2007 04:42:34 UTC