worries about useMentionOp and how queries relate to rules and proofs


I can't quite put my finger on it, but I'm afraid there are
some serious architectural use/mention issues with operators like
BOUND, URI-equal, isURI, and isBlank

As I see the architecture, a query plays the role of
a conjecture to be proved. A query solution is a sketch
of a proof.

If I write

 SELECT ?who
 WHERE ?who foaf:name "Dan Connolly"

it's akin to asking a theorem prover to prove:

  exists (x) such that foaf:name(x, "Dan Connolly")

The solution "?who binds to <danshomePage#topic>"
is a sketch of a proof (I think the literature
uses the term "witness" for this sort of thing).

Now I can't imagine how to turn

 SELECT ?who
 WHERE ?who foaf:homePage ?x
   AND isURI(?x)

into a conjecture to be proved by a theorem prover.
isURI() is not a function of objects in the
domain of discourse, but an operator that distinguishes
one sort of term from another. We might have

	<dansHomePage#topic> owl:sameAs _:somebody .
and by definition
but not

This sets off flags in my mind, but I can't state,
in black-and-white, testable ways that matter to
applications and coders, why it matters.

Does it worry you?

p.s. formally this is a WG issue
In Helsinki, we has some relevant discussion and made
a nearby decision, but it wasn't explicitly a decision
to close this issue.

  RESOLVED: BOUND keyword and no UNSAID to address common
  UNSAID issues. KendallC abstaining

I'm trying to figure out whether to open substantive discussion
of this useMentionOp issue or just say "oh... yeah, we meant to close
that one too, didn't we?"

Dan Connolly, W3C http://www.w3.org/People/Connolly/
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Received on Friday, 4 February 2005 00:39:27 UTC