[w3photo] Image Annotation, FotoNotes Update

Hi All --

Happy Thanksgiving to those in the U.S...

Fotonotes.net ( http://fotonotes.net ) is now a community site for 
developing of an open standard
image annotation and managing photos as a plurality of objects. The 
W3Photo's Image Region
schema is included as one of the three variants of XML storage schemas 
for embedding data in
the jpeg headers (http://fotonotes.net/spec/index.cgi?CurrentSchemas).  
The three variants --
Atom API, Sem-Web/Image Region, Adobe XMP -- reflect the 800 pound XML 
gorillas. Figuring
out how to merge or support all three is a priority.

Also, FotoNotes software has (finally) been re-factor and released open 
( http://fotonotes.net/spec/index.cgi?Downloads )  The software only 
reads the Atom API
  schema currently. I feel awkward reporting that to this group, that it 
might seem I'm trying to leverage
FotoNotes at the expense of this collaboration.  I can't deny I've had 
to prioritze toward
what I need to be able to do commercially in the near-term.  But I hope 
its clear that including the
ImReg schema in the spec reflects my other priority to develop and 
support a standard the
community defines, and imReg is an important contribution.  Also, with 
the refactored code now available,
it should be easier to overhaul the w3photo.org site and extend it to 
properly read all RDF.  Things are
happening a bit suddenly because 2entwine.com has released their 
terrific FotoBuzz app (which FotoNotes
was quite involved helping develop) but they are being ambiguous in 
their attribution and support of
a common spec as previously aggreed.  Others are also starting to 
release software reading the
Atom API. So it looks like it is time for the spec to go to the next 
stage. I hope by putting the software out
there it will be easier for this group to help extend things to be 
semantic web compatible.

Greg Elin
865-342-9048 fax

http://fotonotes.net - "Because photos have stories.(tm)"
blog: http://duhblog.com - "Articulate the obvious."

This is the TEMPORARY discussion list for the W3 Semantic-Photo History
Project. For questions, contact greg@fotonotes.net.

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Received on Friday, 26 November 2004 21:43:18 UTC