Approximate turtle in BNF n3

# Turtle approx in N3
# based on
# untested!

# BNF without tokenization
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <>.
@prefix bnf: <>.
@prefix rul: <>.
@prefix : <>.
@prefix n3: <>.
@prefix list: <>.
@prefix string: <>.
@keywords a, is, of.

# Issues:
# - string token regexp not right
# - tokenizing rules in general: whitespace
# - encoding really needs specifying
# - @keywords affects tokenizing
# - Use of dot for !
# - comments (tokenizer deals with)
# - We assume ASCII, in fact should use not notNameChars for i18n

# tokenizing:
# Absorb anything until end of regexp, then stil white space
#  period followed IMMEDIATELY by an opener or name char is taken as
"!".#  Except after a "." used instead of in those circumstances,
#	ws may be inserted between tokens.
#  WS MUST be inserted between tokens where ambiguity would arise.
#  (possible ending characters of one and beginning characters overlap)

<> bnf:syntaxFor [ bnf:internetMediaType 

# <> rdfsem:semanticsFor ""   .....

# __________________________________________________________________
# The N3 Full Grammar

document a rul:Used;
			[ bnf:zeroOrMore declaration ]
			[ bnf:zeroOrMore universal ]
			[ bnf:zeroOrMore existential ]

statements_optional bnf:mustBeOneSequence (() ( statement "."
statements_optional ) ).

statementlist bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( )
		( statement statementtail )

statementtail bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( )
		( "." statementlist )

declaration bnf:mustBeOneSequence(
		( "@prefix" qname explicituri "." )

statement bnf:mustBeOneSequence(( subject propertylist )).

propertylist bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( )
		( verb  object objecttail propertylisttail )

propertylisttail bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( )
#		( ";" )
		( ";" verb object objecttail propertylisttail )

objecttail bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( )
		( ","   object objecttail )

verb bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( prop )
		( "@a" )

# prop cannot be an integerliteral, literal or blank
prop bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( explicituri )
		( qname )
		( "[" propertylist "]"  )
		(  "("  pathlist ")"  )

# subject cannot be an integerliteral or literal
subject bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( explicituri )
		( qname )
		( bname )
		( "[" propertylist "]"  )
		(  "("  pathlist ")"  )

object bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( explicituri )
		( qname )
		( bname )
		( integerliteral )
		( literal )
		( "[" propertylist "]"  )
		(  "("  pathlist ")"  )

pathlist bnf:mustBeOneSequence (() (path pathlist)).

symbol bnf:mustBeOneSequence (

literal bnf:mustBeOneSequence(( string dtlang)).

dtlang bnf:mustBeOneSequence(  ()  ("@" 1)  ("^^" symbol)).


integerliteral	bnf:matches	"""[0-9]+""";
		bnf:canStartWith 	"0".

explicituri 	bnf:matches 	"<[^>]*>";
		bnf:canStartWith 	"<".

qname 		bnf:matches  
bnf:canStartWith 	"a", "_", ":".  # @@ etc unicode

bname 		bnf:matches  	"_:([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*)?";
		bnf:canStartWith 	"_".

# Maybe dtlang should just be part of string regexp?
# Whitespace is not allowed

# was: "[a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*(-[a-zA-Z0-9]+)?";
langcode	bnf:matches  	"[a-z]+(-[a-z0-9]+)*"; #
		bnf:canStartWith 	"a".

#               raw regexp single quoted would be   "([^"]|(\\"))*"
# See:
# 	$ PYTHONPATH=$SWAP python
# 	>>> import tokenize 
# 	>>> import notation3
# 	>>> print notation3.stringToN3(tokenize.Double3)
# 	"[^\"\\\\]*(?:(?:\\\\.|\"(?!\"\"))[^\"\\\\]*)*\"\"\""
# 	>>> print notation3.stringToN3(tokenize.Double)
# 	"[^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*\""
# After that we have to prefix with one or three opening \"  which
# the python regexp doesn't have them.
# string3		bnf:matches	
"\"\"\"[^\"\\\\]*(?:(?:\\\\.|\"(?!\"\"))[^\"\\\\]*)*\"\"\"".# string1	
bnf:matches		"\"[^\"\\\\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*\"".

string		bnf:matches	
\]*(?:\\\\.[^\"\\\\]*)*\")";		bnf:canStartWith 	"\"".


#  Axioms reducing the shortcut BNF terms to bnf:musBeOneSequence.

{ ?x bnf:zeroOrMore ?y } => {?x bnf:mustBeOneSequence ( () (?y ?x) ) }.

{ ?x bnf:commaSeparatedPeriodTerminatedListOf ?y } =>
	?x bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( "." )
		( ?y [bnf:CSLTail ?y]  )

{ ?x bnf:CSLTail ?y } =>
	?x bnf:mustBeOneSequence (
		( "." )
		( "," ?y ?x )

#  labelling of things which do not have explicit URIs:

{ ?x bnf:zeroOrMore [ bnf:label ?y].
	( ?y "_s" ) string:concatenation ?str } => { ?x bnf:label ?str }.

{ ?x bnf:commaSeparatedPeriodTerminatedListOf [ bnf:label ?y].
	( ?y "_csl" ) string:concatenation ?str } => { ?x bnf:label ?str }.

{ ?x bnf:CSLTail [ bnf:label ?y].
	( ?y "_necsl" ) string:concatenation ?str } => { ?x bnf:label ?str }.


Received on Wednesday, 3 November 2004 20:55:48 UTC