Re: [w3photo] Meetings about image vocabulary/combining vocabs

On Thu, 15 Jan 2004, Libby Miller wrote:

> I'd like to propose a couple of meetings.
> 1. one to talk about the possible vocabularies for images and parts of
> images
> 2. to decide which vocabularies to use and come up with a sample
> piece of RDF that represents the sort of annotation we want
> (1) is one of the purposes of the new W3C proposed image description
> list, but obviously we need a quick decision - we need to pick one that
> does what we want, and we have a couple of examples.
> (2) is also becoming urgent, as it impacts on everthing else, including
> the UI and getting on with annotating.
> Somewhere we might also talk about what things we need to identify
> (images, people, parts of images, places etc), and how we might go about
> it.
> Any takers? I can do (almost) any time - any prefered?

How about a meeting tomorrow about parts of images (1) and one on
Wednesday to decide on a sample piece of RDF (2)?

I suggest 1600 GMT for both.

This could change - please let me know (offlist?) if you can't make it
and you want to be there, and we'll try and come to some sort of
compromise. Alternatively, if you have a strong view and can't make
either meeting, send a message here describing your position on either topic.

I think there will be much more discussion in the future about how best
to describe parts of images in the RDF community, so tomorrow's meeting
would only be a discussion with a view to setting out a proposal for
this project to use.


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Received on Monday, 19 January 2004 12:16:58 UTC